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McCarthy, W. E. J. (William Edward John)

LC control no.n 83044452
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMcCarthy, W. E. J. (William Edward John)
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Variant(s)McCarthy, William Edward John
McCarthy, William, 1925-2012
McCarthy, Lord
McCarthy, Bill, 1925-2012
Birth date19250730
Death date20121118
Field of activityIndustrial relations Arbitration, Industrial
AffiliationGreat Britain. Parliament. House of Lords
Labour Party (Great Britain)
Nuffield College
Found inHis The closed shop in Britain, 1964.
Durcan, J.W. Strikes in post-war Britain, 1983: CIP t.p. (W.E.J. McCarthy)
His The feasibility of est. a new labour movement newspaper, 1983: t.p. (Lord McCarthy)
Brit. nat. bibl. 85-39945 (McCarthy, W. E. J. (William Edward John), 1925- )
His Freedom at work, 1985: t.p. (William McCarthy) p. 2 of cover (Lord McCarthy, fellow Nuffield Coll., Univ. lectr. indust. relations, Oxford)
Guardian WWW site, Nov. 20, 2012 (Lord McCarthy; William Edward John McCarthy; Bill McCarthy; b. July 30, 1925; d. Nov. 18, 2012; Labour peer and industrial relations expert who arbitrated in many disputes)
Associated languageeng
Invalid LCCNn 50012139 n 86003427