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Melanie, 1947-2024

LC control no.n 83046562
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationML420.M3498 Biography
Personal name headingMelanie, 1947-2024
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Variant(s)Melanie, 1947-
Safka, Melanie, 1947-2024
Other standard no.Q157293
0000 0001 0785 025X
Associated countryUnited States
Birth date1947-02-03
Death date2024-01-23
Place of birthAstoria (New York, N.Y.)
Profession or occupationSingers
Found inHer Melanie's good book, 1971.
All music guide WWW site, Feb. 4, 2009 (Melanie; b. Melanie Safka, Feb. 3, 1947, Astoria, Queens, NY; singer)
New York times web site, viewed January 31, 2024 (Melanie, Singer Who Made a Solo Splash at Woodstock, Dies at 76; died on Tuesday [January 23, 2024]; Melanie Anne Safka was born on Feb. 3, 1947, in Astoria, Queens, to Frederick and Pauline (Altomare) Safka)
Invalid LCCNn 91050219