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Philostratus, the Lemnian, active 3rd century

LC control no.n 83048122
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingPhilostratus, the Lemnian, active 3rd century
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Variant(s)Filóstrato, el Joven, active 3rd century
Philostratos, active 3rd century
Philostratos, ho Neōteros, active 3rd century
Philostratus III, active 3rd century
Philostratus, Junior, active 3rd century
Philostratus, Lemnius, active 3rd century
Philostratus, of Lemnos, active 3rd century
Philostratus, the Lemnian, 3rd cent.
Philostratus, the Younger, active 3rd century
Beginning date02
LocatedLimnos Island (Greece)
Field of activityGreek literature Philosophy, Ancient
Profession or occupationSophists (Greek philosophy)
Special noteOld catalog headings: Philostratus, of Lemnos, b. ca. 191; Philostratus, minor
Found inAnderson, G. Philostratus, 1986: index (Philostratus the Lemnian) p. 3-4 (called the Lemnian by his older relative Philostratus the Athenian) p. 6 (the Younger Philostratus) p. 86 (Philostratus of Lemnos) p. 293 (conjecturally, the 2nd of 2 authors named Philostratus: the 1st (the Athenian) being author of the 1st series of Imagines, the 2nd (the Lemnian) being author of the 2nd series of Imagines)
LC database, 1-16-87 (2 separate hdgs., based on the common supposition, not accepted by Anderson, that the 1st Imagines were written by the Lemnian and the 2nd by yet another Philostratus: Philostratus, of Lemnos, b. ca. 191; Philostratus, minor, 3rd cent.)
BLC (Philostratus, the Younger)
Philostratus, the Athenian. Philostratorum et Callistrati opera, 1849: p. 395 (Philostratou tou Neōterou ... Philostrati Junioris ... )
Imágenes, c1993: t.p. (Filóstrato el Joven)
Flinterman, Jaap-Jan. Power, paideia & Pythagoreanism, 1995: p. 10-11 (Philostratus the the Lemnian, also known as Philostratus III was probably 20 years younger than Philostratus the Athenian; both the 1st and 2nd collections of the Imagines have been attributed to Philostratus III; W. Schmid atrributes the 2nd collection of the Imagines to a son of Philostratus III and the daughter of Philostratus II, known as Philostratus IV, but this view is debated)
Dictionary of Greek and Roman mythology online, June 4, 2007: (Suidas describes the first Philostratus as the son of Verus and alive during the reign of Nero (54-68 B.C.E.), the second Philostratus as the son of the first and alive during the reign of Philip the Arab (244-249 B.C.E.), and the third Philostratus as the grand-nephew of the second and the author of Eikonas, Panathenaikon, and Troikon. This chronologically impossible description has caused great confusion and speculation over the authorship of Philostratus's works)
Wikipedia, viewed December 17, 2014: (Philostratus of Lemnos, also known as Philostratus the Younger; Greek sophist of the Roman Imperial period)
Invalid LCCNn 83048123