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Müller, Karl, 1918-2001

LC control no.n 83065564
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMüller, Karl, 1918-2001
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Variant(s)Müller, Karl, 1918-
Other standard no.119109964
Associated countryGermany
Associated placeEast Prussia (Germany) Sankt Augustin (Germany)
Birth date1918-01-25
Death date2001-02-28
Place of birthHeilsberg (Germany)
Place of deathSankt Augustin (Germany)
Field of activityMissions--Theory
AffiliationSociety of the Divine Word
Profession or occupationPriests
Found inMissionsstudien, 1962: title page (herausgegeben von Karl Müller)
Müller, Karl. Josef Schmidlin (1876-1944) : Papsthistoriker und Begründer der katholischen Missionswissenschaft, 1989: title page (Karl Müller)
German Wikipedia, viewed September 8, 2023 (Karl Müller (Missionswissenschaftler); Karl Müller SVD [i.e. member of the Society of the Divine Word]; born January 25, 1918, in Blankenberg, Kreis Heilsberg, East Prussia/Ermland (now Gołogóra in Poland); died February 28, 2001, in Sankt Augustin, Germany; German theologian and missiologist; ordained to the Catholic priesthood on September 18, 1948, in Sankt Augustin; obtained his doctorate in missiology at Rome in 1952; obtained his doctorate in theology in 1962 at Münster)
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek online catalog, viewed September 8, 2023 (authorized access point: Müller, Karl; other data in authority record: German missiologist; born 1918 in Gołogóra; died 2001 in Sankt Augustin)
Associated languageger