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Douglas, T. C. (Thomas Clement), 1904-1986

LC control no.n 83068615
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingDouglas, T. C. (Thomas Clement), 1904-1986
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Variant(s)Douglas, Thomas Clement, 1904-1986
Douglas, Thomas Clement, 1904-
Douglas, Tommy, 1904-1986
See alsoHere are entered the works of the Premier acting in a capacity other than official. For works of the Prime Minister acting in his official capacity, see: Saskatchewan. Premier (1944-1961 : Douglas)
Chief executive of: Saskatchewan. Premier (1944-1961 : Douglas)
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Associated placeSaskatchewan
Birth date1904-10-20
Death date1986-02-24
Place of birthFalkirk (Scotland)
Place of deathOttawa (Ont.)
Field of activitySocialism
Profession or occupationSocialists
Found inHis Canadians find security with freedom, 1949.
His The making of a Socialist, c1982: t.p. (T.C. Douglas)
Tommy Douglas, c1999: t.p. (Tommy Douglas)
Wikipedia WWW site, July 11, 2012 (under Tommy Douglas: Thomas Clement "Tommy" Douglas, PC CC SOM; b. Oct. 20, 1904, Falkirk, Scotland; d. Feb. 24, 1986, Ottawa, Ont.; Baptist minister and Canadian democratic socialist politician; premier of Saskatchewan, 1944-1961)
National bib agency no.0006K8080E
Associated languageeng
Quality codenlc