LC control no. | n 83129820 |
Geographic heading | Antigua and Barbuda |
Geographic subdivision usage | Antigua and Barbuda |
Variant(s) | Antigua & Barbuda |
See also | Antigua Barbuda |
Found in | Antigua and Barbuda independence, 1982? (subj.) p. 17 (in Dec. 1980 a constitutional conference agreed that the name of the state after independence would be Antigua and Barbuda) Int. yr. bk. & statesmen's ww, 1982 (under title Antigua and Barbuda became ind. member of Commonwealth 11-1-81) Tel. call from BGN, 7-26-83 (Antigua and Barbuda, independent political entity, 17°3N 61°48W) Its Education Division. Report on the Education ... 1971 and 1972: t.p. (Antigua & Barbuda) |
Geographic area code | nwaq--- |