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Marichal, Robert

LC control no.n 83131057
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMarichal, Robert
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Variant(s)Marichal, R. (Robert), 1904-1999
Associated countryFrance
Associated placeParis (France)
Birth date1904-03-20
Death date1999-10-23
Place of birthMandres-les-Roses (France)
Place of deathQuincy-sous-Sénart (France)
Field of activityFrench literature--To 1500--History and criticism
AffiliationInstitut catholique de Paris. Faculté des lettres
Archives nationales (France)
Profession or occupationPaleographers Medievalists
University and college faculty members
Found inChartae Latinae antiquiores. XIV, France II, 1982: title page (edited by Albert Bruckner and Robert Marichal)
Le Livre des prieurs de Sorbonne (1431-1485), 1987: title page (texte critique avec introduction, notes et index par Robert Marichal) spine (R. Marichal)
LC data base, July 15, 1983 (hdg.: Marichal, Robert)
Per i testi latini : prime reflessioni sul fondo inedito di Robert Marichal, 2017: title page (Robert Marichal)
French Wikipedia, viewed April 29, 2021 (Robert Marichal; born March 20, 1904, in Mandres (Seine-et-Oise); died October 23, 1999, in Quincy-sous-Sénart (Essonne); French paleographer and archivist; studied at the École nationale des chartes; obtained his diplôme as archiviste-paléographe in 1927; he was professor of Medieval French literature in the Faculté des lettres of the Institut catholique de Paris from 1930 to 1974)
Bibliothèque nationale de France online catalog, viewed 2021 (authorized access point: Marichal, Robert (1904-1999); other data in authority record: archiviste-paléographe; born March 20, 1904; died October 23, 1999; he was conservator at the Archives nationales from 1929 to 1949; he was professor in the Faculté des lettres of the Institut catholique de Paris from 1930 to 1974)
Associated languagefre lat