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Thalbitzer, William, 1873-1958

LC control no.n 83137961
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingThalbitzer, William, 1873-1958
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Thalbitzer, W. (William), 1873-1958
Thalbitzer, Wm. (William), 1873-1958
Thalbitzer, William Carl, 1873-1958
Birth date1873
Death date1958
Found inDenmark. Rigsarkivet. Eskimologen William Thalbitzer, 1873-1958, 1982: t.p. (William Thalbitzer, 1873-1958)
LC data base, 11/28/83 (hdg.: Thalbitzer, William, 1873-1958)
His Two runic stones ... 1951: t.p. (William Thalbitzer)
LC in OCLC, 6-1-89 (hdg: Thalbitzer, William Carl, 1873-1958; usage: William Thalbitzer)
OCLC data base, 6-1-89 (usage: W. Thalbitzer; Wm. Thalbitzer; William Thalbitzer)
LC database, accessed January 26, 2023 hdgs. (Thalbitzer, William, 1873-1958; Thalbitzer, William Carl, 1873- [from old catalog])
VIAF, accessed January 26, 2023 VIAF ID: 29606357 ( Personal ) hdgs. (Thalbitzer, William, 1873-1958; Thalbitzer, William; Thalbitzer, William Carl, 1873-1958; William Thalbitzer anthropologue, speĢcialiste des Inuit)