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Hopf, Hans

LC control no.n 83153275
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingHopf, Hans
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Variant(s)Hopf, H. (Hans)
Birth date19160802
Death date19930625
Place of birthNuremberg (Germany)
Place of deathMunich (Germany)
Field of activityMusic
Profession or occupationTenors (Singers)
Found inStrauss, R. Die Frau ohne Schatten [SR] p1981: labels (H. Hopf) container (Hans Hopf)
Baker, 8th ed. (Hopf, Hans; b. 8-2-16, Nuremberg; tenor)
New Grove, 2nd ed. WWW site, Aug. 27, 2003 (Hopf, Hans; b. Aug. 2, 1916, Nuremberg; d. June 25, 1993, Munich; German tenor)