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Link, O. Winston (Ogle Winston), 1914-2001

LC control no.n 83166243
Personal name headingLink, O. Winston (Ogle Winston), 1914-2001
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Link, Ogle Winston, 1914-2001
Found inHis Steam, steel, and stars, 1984: CIP t.p. (O. Winston Link) publ. info. (industrial photographer; b. 1911)
N.Y. times, Feb. 2, 2001 (O. Winston Link; photographer; b. in Brooklyn, Dec. 16, 1914; d. on Tuesday [Jan. 30] in South Salem, N.Y., aged 86)
George Eastman House catalog, viewed May 28, 2004 (Link, O. Winston; Link, Ogle, Winston; b. Dec. 16, 1914, Brooklyn, NY; d. Jan.30, 2001, South Salem, NY; Am.)
LC database, May 27,2004 (hdg.: Link, O. Winston, 1911- , Link, O. Winston, Link, O. Winston, 1914- )