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Ripoll Perelló, Eduardo

LC control no.n 83168368
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingRipoll Perelló, Eduardo
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Variant(s)Perelló, Eduard Ripoll i
Perelló, Eduardo Ripoll
Ripoll i Perelló, Eduard
Ripoll Perelló, Eduard
Ripoll Perelló, Eduardo, 1923-2006
Birth date1923
Death date2006
Field of activityPrehistory Archaeology
AffiliationUniversidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Instituto de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Diputación Provincial
Museo Arqueológico de Barcelona
Profession or occupationProfessor
Found inHis pinturas rupestres de La Gasulla (Castellón), 1963: t.p. (Eduardo Ripoll Perelló; Director, Instituto de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Diputación Provincial; profesor, Universidad de Barcelona)
LC data base, 10/7/83 (hdg.: Ripoll Perelló, Eduardo)
His Els grecs a Catalunya, 1983: t.p. (Eduard Ripoll i Perelló)
El governador Blondel, la Plaça de Sant Joan i la Font de les Sirenes, 1994: t.p. (Eduard Ripoll Perelló)
Bib. nac. de España, via VIAF, 20 January 2011 (Ripoll Perelló, Eduardo, died 2006)
International newsletter on rock art #46 (Eduardo Ripoll Perelló, 1923-2006; Catalan; studied at the University of Barcelona with thesis on Spanish palaeolithic art; became Director of the Barcelona Archaeological Museum and director of the Ampurias Excavation and Museum and taught at Bellaterra University in Barcelona)
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