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Gattermeyer, Heinrich

LC control no.n 83172166
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingGattermeyer, Heinrich
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Associated countryAustria
Birth date19230709
Place of birthSierning, Austria
Profession or occupationComposers Music teachers
Found inRubin, M. 1. Symphonie in B [SR] ca. 1980: label (Heinrich Gattermeyer, composer)
His English brass-suite, c1992: t.p. (Heinrich Gattermeyer) cover, p. 3 (b. 7-9-1923, Sierning near Steyr, Upper Austria)
German Wikipedia, September 5, 2013 (Heinrich Gattermeyer; born July 9, 1923, Sierning bei Steyr, OberoĢˆsterreich; Austrian composer and music teacher)