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Chapin, Graham H. (Graham Hurd), 1799-1843

LC control no.n 83179159
Personal name headingChapin, Graham H. (Graham Hurd), 1799-1843
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Variant(s)Chapin, G. H. (Graham Hurd), 1799-1843
Found inHis Address delivered by G.H. Chapin, Esq. at the new brick meeting-house in the village of Lyons, Oct. 26, 1825, 1825: t.p. (G.H. Chapin)
Biog. dir. of the Amer. Congress, 1961 (Chapin, Graham Hurd; b. Feb. 10, 1799; d. 9/8/1843)
MWA/NAIP files (usage: Graham H. Chapin, G.H. Chapin)