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Hájek z Hájku, Tadeáš, 1525-1600

LC control no.n 83182094
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingHájek z Hájku, Tadeáš, 1525-1600
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Variant(s)Hájek, Tadeáš, 1525-1600
Hayek, Thaddaeus ab, 1525-1600
Hagecius ab Hayck, Thaddaeus, 1525-1600
Hayck, Thaddaeus Hagecius von, 1525-1600
Hayek von Hagecius, Thaddäus, 1525-1600
Hágek, Thadeáss, 1525-1600
Hájek tez Nemicus, Tadeáš, 1525-1600
Nemicus, Thaddäus, 1525-1600
Other standard no.0000000108998811
Birth date1525-12-01
Death date1600-09-01
Place of birthPrague (Czech Republic)
Place of deathPrague (Czech Republic)
Field of activityAstronomy
Profession or occupationPhysicians Astronomers Naturalists Mathematicians
Found inMattioli, P. A. Herbář, jinak bylinář, velmi užitečný, 1982 (a.e.) t.p. (Tadeáš Hájek z Hájku)
LC data base, 6-8-83 (hdg: Hájek, Tadeáš, 1525-1600; usage: Hájek z Hájku, Tadeáš) LC manual cat. (hdg.: Hájek, Tadeáš, 1525-1600; variant: Hayek, Thaddaeus ab)
Příruční slovník naučny, 1964: v. 2, p. 73 (Hájek z Hájku, Tadeáš, Czech naturalist)
Hájek z Hájku, Tadeáš. Dialexis de novae et prius incognitae stellae inusitatae magnitudinis & splendidissimi luminis apparitione & de eiusdem stellae vero loco constituendo. Adiuncta est ibidem ratio inuestigandae parallaxeos cuiuscunque Phaenomeni, eiúsque à centro terrae distantia, meteorologicam doctrinam mirificè illustrans, 1574: title page (Per Thaddaeum Hagecium ab Hayck)
English Wikipedia, viewed on March 8th, 2024 (Tadeáš Hájek z Hájku (1 December 1525 in Prague - 1 September 1600 in Prague), also known as Tadeáš Hájek of Hájek, Thaddaeus Hagecius ab Hayek or Thaddeus Nemicus, was a Czech naturalist, personal physician of the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolph II and an astronomer in the Kingdom of Bohemia.)
Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek, viewed on March 8th, 2024 (Hayck, Thaddaeus Hagecius von; born Prag, 1525; died Prag, 1600; physician, astronomer, mathematician; variant names (selection): Hayck, Thaddaeus Hagecius von; Hayek von Hagecius, Thaddäus; Hágek, Thadeáss; Hájek, Tadeás; Hájek tez Nemicus, Tadeáš; Nemicus, Thaddäus)