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Gurwitsch, Aron

LC control no.n 83187853
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingGurwitsch, Aron
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Associated countryRussia United States
Associated placeWaltham (Mass.) New York (N.Y.)
Birth date1901-01-17
Death date1973-06-25
Place of birthVilnius (Lithuania)
Place of deathZurich (Switzerland)
AffiliationNew School for Social Research (New York, N.Y. : 1919-1997)
Brandeis University
Profession or occupationPhenomenologists
Found inMelle, Ullrich. Wahrnehmungsproblem und seine Verwandlung in phänomenologischer Einstellung : Untersuchungen zu den phänomenologischen Wahrnehmungstheorien von Husserl, Gurwitsch, und Merleau-Ponty, 1983: title page (Gurwitsch)
LC data base, June 21, 1985 (hdg.: Gurwitsch, Aron)
Essays in memory of Aron Gurwitsch, 1984: CIP galley (born in Lithuania in 1901; died 1973)
Wikipedia, viewed February 6, 2020 (Aron Gurwitsch; born January 17, 1901, Vilnius, Vilna Governorate (Russian Empire); died June 25, 1973, in Zurich; American phenomenologist; originally from Lithuania, from a family of Lithuanian Jews (Litvaks))
German Wikipedia, viewed February 6, 2020 (Aron Gurwitsch; born in Vilna; grew up in Danzig; studied in Berlin and in Frankfurt am Main; obtained his doctorate in 1928 in Göttingen; emigrated to France in 1933 and to the United States in 1940; he taught at Brandeis University from 1948 to 1958; in 1959, he joined the faculty of the New School for Social Research in New York)
Associated languageeng ger