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Berryman, Phillip

LC control no.n 83190592
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBerryman, Phillip
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Variant(s)Berryman, Philip
Birth date1938-03-22
Place of birthLos Angeles, Calif.
Profession or occupationAuthors Translators Priests
Found inHis Christians in Central American revolutions, 1984: CIP t.p. (Phillip Berryman)
His Christians in Guatemala's struggle, 1984: t.p. (Philip [sic] Berryman)
Chile. ComisioĢn Nacional de Verdad y ReconciliacioĢn. Report of the Chilean Nat. Comm. on Truth and Reconcil., c1993: CIP t.p. (Phillip E. Berryman)
Prabook website, October 4, 2022: profile page (Phillip Berryman, Catholic priest, educator, writer, translator; born March 22, 1938 in Los Angeles, California; B.A. from St. John's Seminary College in Camarillo, California; became a pastoral worker at Parroquia de Fatima in Chorrillo, Panama in 1965; was a counselor at Opportunities Industrialization Center in San Jose, California from 1973 to 1976, when he started to work as a Central American program director at American Friends Service Committee in Guatemala; has taught at Villanova University, Rosemont College, Stockton State College and Temple University)
Associated languageeng