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Lerman, Rhoda

LC control no.n 83201721
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPS3562.E68
Personal name headingLerman, Rhoda
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Variant(s)Sniderman, Rhoda Carol
Birth date1936-01-18
Death date2015-08-30
Place of birthFar Rockaway (New York, N.Y.)
Place of deathPort Crane (N.Y.)
Profession or occupationNovelists
Found inHer Beyond the second law, c1984: CIP t.p. (Rhoda Lerman)
LC data base, 11/14/83 (hdg.: Lerman, Rhoda)
New York times WWW site, viewed Sept. 8, 2015 (in obituary published Sept. 5: Rhoda Lerman; b. Rhoda Carol Sniderman, Jan. 18, 1936, Far Rockaway, Queens; m. Bob Lerman, 1957; d. Aug. 30, Port Crane, N.Y., aged 79; her critically praised novels melded history with contemporaneity, mythology with social criticism, feminism with a Jewish sensibility, and snark with seriousness)
Associated languageeng