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Rocard, Yves

LC control no.n 83826450
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingRocard, Yves
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Found inLCCN 58-2448: His Dynamic instability, 1957 (hdg.: Rocard, Yves)
LC data base, 9-20-83 (hdg.: Rocard, Yves)
His Le pendule explorateur, c1983: t.p. (Yves Rocard; professeur honoraire, Faculté des sciences de Paris) cover p. 4 (b. 1903; professeur de physique, Ecole normale supérieur)
His Mémoires sans concessions, c1988: t.p. (Yves Rocard)
Yves Rocard, 2023: page 11 (1903-1992)