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Kortüm, Gustav, 1904-1990

LC control no.n 83827278
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingKortüm, Gustav, 1904-1990
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Variant(s)Kortüm, Gustav Ferdinand Albert, 1904-
Kortüm, Gustav Ferdinand Albert, 1904-1990
Birth date1904-06-14
Death date1990-12-01
Place of birthDargun (Germany)
Place of deathTübingen (Germany)
Profession or occupationChemists College teachers
Found inLCCN 61-39339: His Einführung in die chemische Thermodynamik, 1960 (hdg.: Kortüm, Gustav Ferdinand Albert, 1904- )
LC data base, 10-31-83 (hdg.: Kortüm, Gustav Ferdinand Albert, 1904- ; usage: Gustav Kortüm)
Wikidata via Wikipedia, January 2, 2020 (alias: Gustav Kortüm; instance of: human; sex or gender: male; country of citizenship: Germany; occupation: chemist, university teacher; given name: Gustav; date of death: +1990-12-01T00:00:00Z; date of birth: +1904-06-14T00:00:00Z; GND identifier: 106138502; place of death: Tübingen; VIAF identifier: 70318751; SUDOC authorities: 070023794; ISNI (P213): 0000000110290492; LCAuth identifier: n83827278; NTA identifier (Netherlands): 072438290; NLP identifier: A20086301; member of: German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina; place of birth: Dargun; Academic Tree ID (P2381): 66123; languages spoken or published: German; SHARE Catalogue author ID (P3987): 18268; employer: University of Tübingen; NKC identifier: uk2009425326; Brockhaus Enzyklop\u00e4die online ID (P5019): kortum-gustav-ferdinand-albert; description/label: chimico tedesco, chimist german, chimiste allemand, deutscher Chemiker , Duits scheikundige, German chemist, kimist gjerman, professor académico alemão, químic alemany, químico alemán, Saksamaa keemik, tysk kemiker, tysk kemist, tysk kjemikar, tysk kjemiker, כימאי גרמני)