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Fortet, Robert

LC control no.n 83827505
Personal name headingFortet, Robert
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Variant(s)Fortet, R. (Robert)
Found inLCCN 65-16343: Blanc-Lapierre, A. Theory of random functions, 1965-68 (hdg.: Fortet, Robert; usage: R. Fortet)
LC data base, 11-10-83 (hdg.: Fortet, Robert; usage: Robert Fortet; R. Fortet)
BnF Web OPAC, June 18, 2010 (Fortet, Robert (1912-1998); b. May 1, 1912; d. July 4, 1998; mathématicien; en poste à la Faculté des sciences de Paris; prénoms complets : Robert, Marie)