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Clarke, G. W. (Graeme Wilber), 1934-2023

LC control no.n 84002713
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingClarke, G. W. (Graeme Wilber), 1934-2023
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Variant(s)Clarke, G. W. (Graeme Wilber), 1934-
Clarke, Graeme Wilbur
Clarke, Graeme Wilber, 1934-2023
Associated countryAustralia
Associated placeCanberra (A.C.T.)
Birth date1934-10-31
Death date2023-05-16
Field of activityClassical philology
AffiliationAustralian National University. Humanities Research Centre
Profession or occupationClassicists
University and college faculty members
Found inCyprian, Saint, Bishop of Carthage. The letters of St. Cyprian of Carthage. Volume 1, 1984: title page (G.W. Clarke, professor of classical studies and deputy director, Humanities Research Centre, Australian National University)
LC data base, April 9, 1984 (hdg.: Clarke, Graeme Wilbur; usage: G.W. Clarke)
Who's Who in Australia, 1983 (Clarke, Graeme Wilber, born October 31, 1934)
University of Melbourne calendar, 1981 (Graeme Wilber Clarke)
Australian Academy of the Humanities website, viewed September 26, 2023: news release dated July 2023 (Graeme Wilber Clarke AO FAHA: 1934-2023; Emeritus Professor Graeme Clarke AO FAHA, one of Australia's most prominent classical scholars)
Sydney morning herald, dateline May 20, 2023, viewed online on September 26, 2023 (Graeme Wilber Clarke AO, Emeritus Professor; born October 31, 1934; died May 16, 2023)
Associated languageeng