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Neville, John, 1925-2011

LC control no.n 84003054
Personal name headingNeville, John, 1925-2011
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Found inColeridge, S.T. Samuel Taylor Coleridge [SR] p1965: label (John Neville)
LC data base, 4/3/84 (hdg: Neville, John, 1925- )
Halliwell's filmgoer's & video viewer's companion, 11th ed. (Neville, John; British leading man)
Wikipedia WWW site, Nov. 21, 2011 (John Neville, OBE, CM; b. May 2, 1925, Willesden, London; d. Nov. 19, 2011, Toronto; English theatre and film actor who moved to Canada in 1972)
New York times WWW site, Nov. 22, 2011 (in obituary published Nov. 21: John Neville; b. John Reginald Neville, May 2, 1925, London; d. Saturday [Nov. 19, 2011], Toronto, aged 86)