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Meleis, Afaf Ibrahim

LC control no.n 84004218
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMeleis, Afaf Ibrahim
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Associated placePhiladelphia, Pa.
San Francisco, Calif.
Field of activitynursing
AffiliationUniversity of Pennsylvania, School of Nursing
Dept. of Mental Health and Community Nursing, Sch. Nursing, UCSF
Profession or occupationprofessor of nursing and sociology
Found inAuthor's Theoretical nursing, 1984: CIP t.p. (Afaf Ibrahim Meleis, Ph. D., F.A.A.N.; prof., Dept. of Mental Health and Community Nursing, Sch. Nursing, UCSF, San Francisco)
Theoretical nursing, 2011, ©2012: ECIP title (Afaf Ibrahim Meleis, PhD, FAAN, Margaret Bond Simon Dean Professor of Nursing and Sociology, University of Pennsylvania, School of Nursing, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) data view (