LC control no. | n 84007206 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
LC classification | PA8527.H865 |
Personal name heading | Huet, Pierre-Daniel, 1630-1721 |
Variant(s) | Huet, Pierre Daniel, Bp., 1630-1721 Huet, Peter Daniel, 1630-1721 Huetius, Petrus Daniel, 1630-1721 Huet, Daniel, 1630-1721 Huet, évêque d'Avranches, 1630-1721 |
Birth date | 1630-02-08 |
Death date | 1721-01-26 |
Place of birth | Caen (France) |
Place of death | Paris (France) |
Profession or occupation | Bishops Scholars |
Found in | His Memoires sur le commerce des Hollandois ... 1718: (name not given) LC data base, 5-4-84 (hdg.: Huet, Pierre Daniel, Bp., 1630-1721) manual auth cd. (hdg.: Huet, Pierre Daniel, Bp., 1630-1721) His Memoirs of the life of Peter Daniel Huet ... 1981: t.p. (Peter Daniel Huet, Bishop of Avranches) NUC pre-1956 (hdg.: Huet, Pierre Daniel, Bp., 1630-1721; Latin author statement: Petri Danielis Huetii ...) His Daniel Huet, évêque d'Avranches, 1943: t.p. (Daniel Huet, évêque d'Avranches) Barbier, under Diane de Castro (Huet, évêque d'Avranches) Traité philosophique de la foiblesse de l'esprit humain, 1741: title page (par feu Monsieur Huet) Wikipedia, 1 March 2018 (Pierre Daniel Huet; Pierre Daniel Huet (8 February 1630--26 January 1721) was a French churchman and scholar, editor of the Delphin Classics, founder of the Academie du Physique in Caen (1662-1672) and Bishop of Soissons from 1685 to 1689 and afterwards of Avranches; he was born in Caen and died in Paris) |
Associated language | fre |