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Steinheil, Marguerite, 1869-1954

LC control no.n 84020220
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSteinheil, Marguerite, 1869-1954
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Steinheil, Marguerite Japy, 1869-1954
Japy, Jeanne Marguerite, 1869-1954
Japy, Marguerite, 1869-1954
Abinger, Marguerite Scarlett, Lady, 1869-1954
Scarlett, Marguerite, Lady Abinger, 1869-1954
Birth date1869-04-16
Death date1954-07-17
Found inLanoux, A. Madame Steinheil, ou, "La connaissance du Président", c1983: t.p. (Madame Steinheil)
LC data base 4/9/84 (hdg.: Steinheil, Marguerite Japy, 1869-1954; usage: not given) LC manual auth. cd. (b. Jeanne Marguerite Japy, 4/16/1869, France; m. Adolphe Steinheil; 1909, went to London to live, m. Lord Abinger, Robert Scarlett; gen. ref. to as Marguerite Steinheil; variant: Steinheil, Marguerite [i.e. Marguerite Scarlett, Lady Abinger]) LC manual cat. (usage: Marguerite Steinheil)
Wikipedia February 10, 2023: (Marguerite Jeanne "Meg" Japy Steinheil, Baroness Abinger, 16 April 1869 -- 17 July 1954, was a French woman known for her many love affairs with important men. She was present at the death of President Félix Faure, who was rumored to have died after having a seizure while allegedly having sex with her. She was later tried for the murders of her husband and mother, but was acquitted)