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Ferrer, Renée

LC control no.n 84022983
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPQ8259.2.F45
Personal name headingFerrer, Renée
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Variant(s)Ferrer de Arréllaga, Renée
Arréllaga, Renée Ferrer de
De Arréllaga, Renée Ferrer
Ferrer, Renée, 1944-
Birth date1944
Place of birthAsunción (Paraguay)
Found inHer Desde el cañadón de la memoria, 1983: t.p. (Renée Ferrer de Arréllaga) p. 9 (Renée F. de Arréllaga)
Rivarola Matto, J.B. Premio Gabriel Casaccia, 1985, 1986: cover (Renée Ferrer de Arréllaga) flap of back cover (b. 1944, Asunción (Paraguay), se doctoró en historia en la Fac. de Filosofía, Univ. Nacional de Asunción) p. 92 (entered short story La colección de los relojes in contest for Premio Gabriel Casaccia 1985 under pseudonym Paciente)
Her Desde el encendido corazón del monte, 1994: t.p. (Renée Ferrer)
Info. from OAU, May 19, 1997 (Signed note from author: "Please list all entries under Ferrer, Renée. By authority of the author")
Invalid LCCNn 85336142