LC control no. | n 84025880 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Geographic heading | Bogra District (Bangladesh) |
Geographic subdivision usage | Bangladesh--Bogra District |
Variant(s) | Baguṛā Jelā (Bangladesh) District Administration, Bogra Jelā Praśāsana, Baguṛā |
Found in | Mokasudā Bulabula. Abhābera abakshaẏa, 1982: t.p. (Baguṛā) data from India (Baguṛā Jelā) BGN, 05-08-90 (Bogra [brief] District; AMD1,. 24.47 N., 89.21 E.) GeoNames, algorithmically matched, 2009 (adm2; 24°47ʹ00ʺN 089°21ʹ00ʺE) The land of Pundra civilization, 2018: t.p. (District Administration, Bogra; Jelā Praśāsana, Baguṛā) |
Geographic area code | a-bg--- |