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Hodža, Milan, 1878-1944

LC control no.n 84050207
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingHodža, Milan, 1878-1944
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Variant(s)Godzha, Milan, 1878-1944
Associated countryCzechoslovakia
United States
Birth date1878-02-01
Death date1944-06-27
Place of birthSučany (Slovakia)
Place of deathClearwater (Fla.)
AffiliationRepublikánská strana zemědělského a malorolnického lidu (Czechoslovakia)
Profession or occupationPoliticians Prime ministers Cabinet officers
Found inMúdry, M. Milan Hodža v Amerike, 1949: t.p. (Milan Hodža) p. 227 (b. 2-1-1878, d. 6-27-44)
LC data base, 9-11-84 (hdg.: Hodža, Milan, 1878-1944)
U karpatskikh russkikh, 1936: t.p. (D-r Milan Godzha)
Wikipedie, otevřená encyklopedie, May 9, 2017: Milan Hodža page (Prof. PhDr. Milan Hodža; born 1 February 1878 in Sučany; died 27 June 1944 in Clearwater, Florida; Slovak politician; member of the agrarian party; prime minister of the Czechoslovak Republic, 1935-1938; held a number of cabinet positions in the Czechoslovak government; lived in the United States from 1941 until his death)
Associated languageslo
Invalid LCCNn 90623325