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Buxheim (Schwaben, Germany)

LC control no.n 84070166
Geographic headingBuxheim (Schwaben, Germany)
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Geographic subdivision usageGermany--Buxheim (Schwaben)
Variant(s)Buxheim, Ger. (Unterallgäu)
Found inO'Connell, P. F. Love's Mirrour and the Meditationes vitae Christi, 1980: t.p. (Buxheim)
BGN 5-18-84 (Buxheim, ppl, 48°00ʹN, 10°08ʹE [in Bavaria])
Bundesrep., Bayern, 1981 (Buxheim; lists several, this one located in Unterallgäu)
LC data base, 5-18-84 (hdg.: Buxheim, Ger. (Unterallgäu)
Müllers 82/83 (Buxheim Kr. Unterallgäu, Gm, Buxheim (b Memmingen) RB Schwaben, Bay; cites another in RB Oberbayern, Bay)
BGN 2/13/91 (Buxheim. ppl, 48°00ʹN, 10°08ʹE [Schwaben]; cites another in Oberbayern)
Geographic area codee-gx---