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O'Donovan, John, 1809-1861

LC control no.n 84072251
Personal name headingO'Donovan, John, 1809-1861
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Variant(s)Ó Donnabháin, Seán, 1809-1861
Donnabháin, Seán Ó, 1809-1861
O Donovan, John, 1809-1861
O Donovan, J. (John), 1809-1861
Donovan, J. O (John), 1809-1861
Ua Dondubhain, Sean, 1809-1861
Dondubhain, Sean Ua, 1809-1861
Special noteData provided on Ordnance Survey letters ...provided by Trinity Coll. Dublin
Found inLC data base, 9/10/84 (hdg.: O'Donovan, John, 1809-1861)
Boyne, P. John O'Donovan (1806-1861), c1987: p. 1 (b. 7-25-1806)
Crone, J.S. A concise dict. of Irish biog., 1928 (O'Donovan, John; Irish scholar; b. 1809 in Attateemore, Kilkenny; d. 1861)
Ordnance Survey letters Donegal, 2000: t.p. (John O'Donovan) intro. (born 1806)
Ó Maolfabhail, A. Éadbhard Ó Raghallaigh, Seán Ó Donnabháin agus an tSuirbhéireacht Ordanáis, 1830-4, 1991: p. 73 (John O'Donovan) p. 79 (Seán Ó Donnabháin; orthographer and etymologist) p. 80 (John O Donovan) p. 81 (J. O Donovan) p. 83 (Sean Ua Dondubhain)