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Kötter, Herbert

LC control no.n 84084764
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingKötter, Herbert
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Variant(s)Kötter, H. (Herbert)
Kötter, Herbert R.
Other standard no.0000000108721409
Birth date1916-12-05
Death date2003
Field of activityAgriculture--Social aspects Sociology, Rural Economics
AffiliationResearch Centre for International Agrarian & Economic Development Justus Liebig-Universität Giessen Universität Bonn
Profession or occupationAgriculturists Sociologists
Found inAuf dem Lande leben, c1983: t.p. (Herbert Kötter) p. 139 (Prof. Dr.; until 1982 Ordinarius f. Wirtschaftssoziol., Univ. Bonn; since 1980 vice pres. of International Rural Sociological Association)
Böckle, F. Armut und Bevölkerungsentwicklung in der Dritten Welt, [1990]: t.p. (Herbert Kötter) p. 5 (b. 12/5/1916)
Regional development in central and southern Sumatra, 1974: t.p. (H. Kötter)
LC data base, 6-4-84 (hdg.: Kötter, Herbert)
Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek, viewed July 13, 2022 (Kötter, Herbert ; agronomist and agricultural sociologist ; affiliated to the Research Centre for International Agrarian & Economic Development ; professor of economics ; 1964-1969 professor of Agricultural Sociology at the University of Giessen; 1969-1985 professor of Economic Sociology at the University of Bonn; 1973-1976 employed at the Food and Agriculture Organization (Welternährungsorganisation ; born 1916, died 2003 ; variant name: Kötter, Herbert R.)
Associated languageger eng