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Kónya, Sándor, 1923-2002

LC control no.n 84089522
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingKónya, Sándor, 1923-2002
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Birth date1923-09-23
Death date2002-05-20
Place of birthSarkad (Békés Megye, Hungary)
Place of deathIbiza (Spain)
Profession or occupationTenors (Singers)
Found inWagner, R. Lohengrin [SR] p1982: container (Sándor Kónya)
LC manual cat. (hdg.: Kónya, Sándor, 1923- ; Hungarian tenor)
New York Times, June 6, 2002 (Sandor Konya, 78, tenor; d. May 20, 2002, Ibiza, Spain; b. Sarkad, Hungary, Sept. 23, 1923)