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Velmans, Tania

LC control no.n 84095417
LC classificationPQ2682.E5236
Personal name headingVelmans, Tania
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Variant(s)Велманс, Таня
Special noteCannot identify with Velmans, Tania, 1960-
Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script reference not evaluated.
Found inHer L'art byzantin, c1982: t.p. (Tania Velmans)
BNF Opale, June 29, 2010: (hdg.: Velmans, Tania, 1938-)
Email from Lorenzo Fabbri, Jaca Book, Milan, June 30, 2010: (Tania Velmans was b. in 1938 in Sofia; the heading Velmans, Tania, 1960- [cf. n 2009043926] is incorrect)
Invalid LCCNn 2009043926