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Fuchs, Max

LC control no.n 84095891
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingFuchs, Max
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Birth date1948-09-30
Found inHis Untersuchungen zur Genese des mathematischen und naturwissenschaften Denkens, 1983: t.p. (Max Fuchs)
His Das Scheitern des Philanthropen Ernst Christian Trapp, 1985: t.p. (Max Fuchs) p. 237 (b. 9/30/48; Dozent an der Volkshochschule Düsseldorf)
Zur Theorie des Kulturmanagements, c1993: t.p. (Max Fuchs) p. 2 (b. 1948; studied mathematics, economics and education; Director of the Akademie Remscheid für musische Bildung und Medienerziehung; teaches about culture at various institutions)
Associated languageger