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De Lint, Charles, 1951-

LC control no.n 84116036
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPR9199.3.D357
Personal name headingDe Lint, Charles, 1951-
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Variant(s)Lint, Charles de, 1951-
Де Линт, Чарльз, 1951-
De Lint, Charles Henri Diederick Hoefsmit
See alsoKey, Samuel M.
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Biography/History noteCharles de Lint (1951- ) is a Canadian fantasy author, folk musician, and critic.
LocatedOttawa (Ont.)
Birth date1951-12-22
Place of birthNetherlands
Field of activityFantasy fiction Poetry Music
Profession or occupationAuthors Teachers Musicians Composers
Special noteMachine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script reference not evaluated.
Found inHis The harp of the Grey Rose, c1984- : v. 1, CIP t.p. (Charles de Lint) CIP data sheet (b. 12-22-51)
Key, S.M. From a whisper to a scream, 2003: CIP t.p. (Charles de Lint writing as Samuel M. Key)
Charles de lint, via WWW, June 19, 2012 (b. in the Netherlands, 12/22/51; emigrated to Canada, 1952; lives in Ottawa, Ontario with wife; writes fantasy for adults, teens and children; writes reviews, essays, columns, encyclopedia entries and poetry, teaches creative writing workshops, paints, plays several instruments and writes and performs songs)
Wikipedia, via WWW, June 19, 2012 (Canadian fantasy author and folk musician, and book critic)
Canadiana, August 15, 2023 (heading: De Lint, Charles; variant: De Lint, Charles Henri Diederick Hoefsmit)
Equivalent(s)De Lint, Charles
National bib agency no.0009L1723E
Associated languageeng
Invalid LCCNn 2020017854
Quality codenlc