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Schiller, Dieter, 1933-

LC control no.n 84142785
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSchiller, Dieter, 1933-
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Birth date1933
Field of activityGerman literature
Profession or occupationScholars
Found inWandelbar und stetig, c1984: t.p. (Dieter Schiller), 28 Sept. 2006: (Dieter Schiller, 1933-; Prof. Dr., Literaturwissenschaftler; specialty is exile literature 1933-1945)
Schiller, Dieter. Der Tràˆumer und die Politik, 2007: t.p. (Dieter Schiller) t.p. verso (Prof. Dr. Dieter Schiller), Mar. 10, 2010: UTOPIE125.pdf (Dieter Schiller; writes on E. German literature)
LC data base, 10-4-84 (hdg.: Schiller, Dieter) LC manual auth. cd. (b. 1933)
Associated languageger