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Schinderhannes, 1783-1803

LC control no.n 84146142
Personal name headingSchinderhannes, 1783-1803
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Bückler, Jean, 1783-1803
Bückler, Johannes, 1783-1803
Bückler, Johann, 1783-1803
Schinderhannes, Johann Bückler, called, 1777?-1803
Found inFranke, M. Schinderhannes, 1984: t.p. (Schinderhannes) p. 1, etc. (b. 5-25-1783 in Miehlen; leader of robber band; executed Mainz 11-21-1803; real name Johannes Bückler; Jean Bückler; popularly known as Schinderhannes)
Procédure instruite par le Tribunal criminel spécial etabli a Mayence ... 1803: t.p. (Jean Bückler, fils, dit Schinderhannes) added t.p. (Johann Bückler, Sohn, genannt Schinderhannes)
LC manual cat. (hdg.: Schinderhannes, Johann Bückler, called, 1777?-1803; commonly denominated in titles of works about him "Schinderhannes")
Not found inBritannica, 1978.