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Clayton, Augustin S. (Augustin Smith), 1783-1839

LC control no.n 84160386
Personal name headingClayton, Augustin S. (Augustin Smith), 1783-1839
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Variant(s)Clayton, Augustin Smith, 1783-1839
Clayton, Mr. (Augustin Smith), 1783-1839
Atticus, 1783-1839
Found inHis Review of the report of the Committee on Ways and Means ... 1830: t.p. (Augustin S. Clayton, judge of the Western District of the State of Georgia)
LC manual cat. (hdg.: Clayton, Augustin Smith, 1783-1839; usage: Augustin S. Clayton; Mr. Clayton, of Georgia)
DAB (Clayton, Augustin Smith; b. 11-27-1783; d. 6-21-1839; lawyer, judge, congressman 1831-1835; b. Fredericksburg, Va.; moved to Georgia; ardent States Rights advocate; wrote on tariff and Bank of U.S. under pseud. Atticus)