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Thornton, Robert John, 1768?-1837

LC control no.n 84168453
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingThornton, Robert John, 1768?-1837
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Variant(s)Thornton, 1768?-1837
Friend to Improvements, 1768?-1837
Birth date1768?
Death date1837
Found inBlake, W. William Blake's illust. to Thornton's Past. of Virgil in Amb. Phillips' imit. of Vergil's first eclogue, 1821, 1912: t.p. (Thornton)
LC data base, 9-10-84 (hdg.: Thornton, Robert John, 1768?-1837)
English short title catalogue, January 11, 2021: ESTC citation no. N12773 (A friend to improvements=Robert John Thornton)