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Seidl, Theodor

LC control no.n 84168738
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSeidl, Theodor
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Other standard no.0000000083911926
Birth date1945-09-15
Place of birthMunich (Germany)
Field of activityBible. Old Testament Oriental languages
Profession or occupationOld Testament scholars Religious educators
Found inTora für den "Aussatz"-Fall, 1982: t.p. (Theodor Seidl)
LC data base, 9-10-84 (hdg.: Seidl, Theodor)
Der Körper und die Religion, c2000: t .p. (Theodor Seidl) p. 224 (b. 1945)
Das Buch Ijob, 2007: t.p. (Theodor Seidl)
Wikipedia, viewed August 15, 2024 (Theodor Seidl; born September 15, 1945 in Munich, Germany; Old Testament scholar; professor at the University of Munich from 1986 and professor of Old Testament and Biblical-Oriental Languages at the University of Würzburg from 1991; given emeritus status in 2010)