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Nosaka, Sanzō, 1892-1993

LC control no.n 84178992
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingNosaka, Sanzō, 1892-1993
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Yeh-fan, Tsʻan-san, 1892-1993
野坂参三, 1892-1993
野坂參三, 1892-1993
Okano, Susumu, 1892-1993
Nosaka, Tetsu, 1892-1993
Special noteMachine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script references not evaluated.
Non-Latin script references reviewed in NACO CJK Funnel References Project.
Found inHis Kita ni minami ni, 1984: t.p. (Nosaka Sanzō) colophon (r; b. 3/1892; chmn. emeritus, Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai)
Chang, T.T. Yeh-fan Tsʻan-san yü Mao kung, 1969: t.p. (Yeh-fan Tsʻan-san [Chinese reading]) added t.p. (Sanzo Nosaka)
Kitsuroku, Nosaka Sanzō, 1997: p. 6 (d. 11/14/1993)
Minshuteki Nihon no kensetsu, 1945: t.p. (Okano Susumu (Nosaka Tetsu))
Web NDL authorities, November 13, 2024 (access point: 野坂, 参三, 1892-1993 = Nosaka, Sanzō, 1892-1993; reading; variant names: 野坂, 參三 = Nosaka, Sanzō; reading; 岡野, 進 = Okano, Susumu; 野坂, 鉄 = Nosaka, Tetsu; reading)