LC control no. | n 84189867 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Personal name heading | Braun, Rudolf, 1930-2012 |
Birth date | 1930 |
Death date | 2012 |
Place of birth | Basel (Switzerland) |
Place of death | Basel (Switzerland) |
Field of activity | Social history |
Profession or occupation | Social historians |
Special note | Formerly on undifferentiated name record: n 94053729 |
Found in | His Das ausgehende Ancien Régime in der Schweiz, 1984: t.p. (Rudolf Braun) Kürsch. Gel. Kal., 1983 (Braun, Rudolf; b. 4/18/30; Dr. phil. o. Prof. of European and North American economic and social history) Wikipedia, June 3, 2020: Rudolf Braun (historian) (born April 18, 1930 in Basel; died May 19, 2012 in Basel; Swiss social historian; his works include: Die Veränderungen der Lebensformen in einem ländlichen Industriegebiet vor 1800 (1960); Sozialer und kultureller Wandel in einem ländlichen Industriegebiet (Zürcher Oberland) (1965); Das ausgehende Ancien Régime in der Schweiz (1984); (with David Gugerli): Macht des Tanzes--Tanz der Mächtigen. Hoffeste und Herrschaftszeremoniell 1550-1914 (1993); and Von den Heimarbeitern zur europäischen Machtelite (2000)) |
Associated language | ger |