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Morf, Doris

LC control no.n 84208465
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMorf, Doris
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Birth date1927
Death date2003
Place of birthSaint Gall (Switzerland)
Place of deathZurich (Switzerland)
Profession or occupationJournalists Politicians
Found inLewinsky, C. Hitler auf dem Rütli, c1984: t.p. (Doris Morf)
LC data base, 1-30-85 (hdg.: Morf, Doris)
Schreibende Frauen in der Schweiz, 1984: p. 40 (Doris Morf; b. 1927)
Hitler auf dem Rütli, c2014: cover (Doris Morf; born 1927 in St. Gallen, died 2003 in Zürich)
SWNL in VIAF, 30 June 2014 (Morf, Doris; Beruf: Journalistin, Verlegerin, Politikerin, Schriftstellerin‏)
Associated languageger