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Millán-Puelles, Antonio

LC control no.n 84211897
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMillán-Puelles, Antonio
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Variant(s)Puelles, Antonio Millán-
Birth date19210211
Death date20050305
Place of birthAlcalá de los Gazules, Spain
Place of deathMadrid, Spain
Profession or occupationPhilosopher Writer
Found inHis Léxico filosófico, c1984: t.p. (Antonio Millán-Puelles)
LC data base, 1-28-85 (hdg.: Millán Puelles, Antonio)
Razón y libertad, c1990: t.p. (Antonio Millán-Puelles) p. 11 (b. 2/11/1921 in Alcalá de los Gazules, Cádiz)
Obras completas, 2012: t.p. (Antonio Millán-Puelles) dust jckt (d. 2005, Madrid; philosopher and writer)
Wikipedia, Oct. 11, 2023: (Antonio Millán-Puelles; d. Mar. 22, 2005, Madrid; Spanish philosopher interested in phenomenology and metaphysics, who published many books and articles)