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Bräuner, Johann Jacob, 1647-

LC control no.n 84213496
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBräuner, Johann Jacob, 1647-
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Variant(s)Braeuner, Johann Jacob, b. 1647
Bräuner, Johann Jacob, b. 1647
Breuner, Iohann Iacob, 1647-
Birth date1647
Found inHis Kern ausserlesenester Artzney-Mittel, 1710: t.p. (Joh. Jacob. Bräuner)
His Thesaurus sanitatis, 1712: t.p. (Johann Jacob Bräuner) port. (Iohann Iacob Breuner; b. 1647)
ICSGO, ser. 1-2 (Bräuner, Johann Jacob)
NUC, pre-'56 (Bräuner, Johann Jacob)
Brit. Mus. cat. (Braeuner, Johann Jacob)
Not found inHirsch; Wellcome; ADB; NDB;Jöcher-Adelung.