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Janssen, Paul A. J. (Paul Adriaan Jan), 1926-2003

LC control no.n 84219591
Personal name headingJanssen, Paul A. J. (Paul Adriaan Jan), 1926-2003
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Janssen, P. A. J. (Paul Adriaan Jan), 1926-2003
Janssen, Paul, 1926-2003
Found inThe action of neuroleptic drugs, 1985: CIP t.p. (P.A.J. Janssen)
LC data base, 12/21/84 (hdg.: Janssen, Paul A. J.; usage: P.A.J. Janssen)
NLM files, 12/21/84 (hdg.: Janssen, Paul A. J. (Paul Adriaan Jan), 1926-; usage: P.A.J. Janssen, P. Janssen, Paul A.J. Janssen)
Times (London, England), Nov. 28, 2003: p. 48 (Paul Janssen, b. Sep. 12, 1926, d. Nov. 11, 2003)
WWWA: v. 15 2002-2004 (Janssen, Paul Adriaan Jan; pharmaceutical company exec.; b. Turnhout, Belgium, Sept. 12, 1926; Janssen Rsch. Found.; John & John Internat.; d. Nov. 11, 2003)
Masters of the Americas, c2005: t.p. (Paul Janssen)
Invalid LCCNnr2006024683