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Lane, Jan-Erik

LC control no.n 84224579
Personal name headingLane, Jan-Erik
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Found inHis Public policy or markets, 1984: t.p. (Jan-Erik Lane, Umea Univ. Sweden)
Klassamhälle i förvandling, 1985: p. 164 (Jan-Erik Lane, b. 1946)
South Africa, 1996: t.p. (Jan-Erik Lane) p. viii (prof. of comparative politics, Université de Genève; professor extraordinarius, Univ. of South Africa)
New public management, 2000: CIP t.p. (Jan-Erik Lane) half t.p. (prof., pol. sci., and adj. prof., Norwegian Sch. of Mgt.) data sh. (b. May 23, 146)
Invalid LCCNn 91075653