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Maraini, Dacia

LC control no.n 84225365
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPQ4873.A69
Personal name headingMaraini, Dacia
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Variant(s)מאראיני, דאצ׳ה
LocatedRome (Italy)
Birth date1936
Place of birthFiesole (Italy)
Profession or occupationAuthors Poets Dramatists
Special noteMachine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script reference not evaluated.
Found inHer I sogni di Clitennestra e altre commedie, 1981: t.p. (Dacia Maraini)
LC data base, 1/8/85 (Hdg.: Maraini, Dacia)
Her Devour me too, c1987: t.p. (Dacia Maraini) p. 4 of cover (b. 1936)
Extravagance and three other plays, 2015: ECIP t.p. (Dacia Maraini) data view (Italian citizen)
Sguardo a Oriente, 2022: title page (Dacia Maraini) back cover flap (born in Fiesole, lives in Rome; author of novels, plays, and poems)
National bib agency no.0055J1459E
Associated languageita
Quality codenlc