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Sorbière, Samuel, 1615-1670

LC control no.n 84233916
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSorbière, Samuel, 1615-1670
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Variant(s)Sorbière, M. (Samuel), 1615-1670
Sorbière, Signor di, 1615-1670
Sorbière, Mons. (Samuel), 1615-1670
Sorbière, Mr. de (Samuel), 1615-1670
Sorbière, 1615-1670
Corbière, M. de (Samuel), 1615-1670
Alethophilus, Sebastianus, 1615-1670
Birth date1615-09-17
Death date1670-04-09
Place of birthLanguedoc (France)
Place of deathParis (France)
Found inHis Sorberiana, sive Excerpta ex ore Samuëli Sorbiere ... 1690.
InU/Wing STC files (usage: M. Sorbière; Signor di Sorbiere; Mons. Sorbière; Mr. de Sorbière; Sorbière; M. De Corbière)
Watt's Bibl. Brit. (Sorbiere, Samuel, 1615-1670)
Bib. nat. (Sorbière, Samuel-Joseph; pseud. Sebastianus Alethophilus)
LC data base, 2/8/85 (hdg.: Sorbière, Samuel, 1615-1670)
NUCMC data from Library of Congress Manuscript Division for His Letter, 1644 (Samuel Sorbière; formerly under: Sorberius, Samuel)
WWW BNF database, viewed 4/5/2024 (Samuel Sorbière; variants: Samuel-Joseph Sorbière (1615-1670) Samuel de Sorbière (1615-1670) Samuel Sorberius (1615-1670) Sebastianus Alethophilus (1615-1670))
Wikipedia, Jul. 18, 2024 (Samuel (de) Sorbière, born Sept. 17, 1615, Saint-Ambroix, Languedoc, France; died Apr. 9, 1670, Paris, France)
Invalid LCCNn 96029262