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Heinrich, Walter, 1902-1984

LC control no.n 84236076
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingHeinrich, Walter, 1902-1984
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Variant(s)Heinrich, Walter Adolf Franz, 1902-1984
Associated countryAustria
Birth date1902-07-11
Death date1984-01-25
Place of birthNový Bor (Czech Republic)
Place of deathGraz (Austria)
Profession or occupationEconomists Politicians College teachers
Found inHis Im Prisma des Geistes, 1982: t.p. (Walter Heinrich) p. 307 (b. 7-11-1902, Haido, Bohemia)
LC data base, 9-17-84 (hdg.: Heinrich, Walter, 1902-)
Wikidata via Wikipedia, January 3, 2020 (alias: Walter Heinrich; instance of: human; given name: Walter; member of: Sudetendeutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste, Deutsche Gildenschaft; occupation: politician, economist, university teacher; LCAuth identifier: n84236076; VIAF identifier: 46837661; GND identifier: 118548514; ISNI (P213): 0000000110606864; place of birth: Nový Bor; place of death: Graz; country of citizenship: Austria; date of birth: +1902-07-11T00:00:00Z; date of death: +1984-01-25T00:00:00Z; employer: University of Vienna, Vienna University of Economics and Business; NTA identifier (Netherlands): 069494819; work location: Vienna; place of detention (P2632): Dachau concentration camp; languages spoken or published: German; PM20 folder ID (P4293): pe/061348; CONOR identifier: 46117731; educated at: University of Vienna; surname: Heinrich; BnF identifier: 123598429; SUDOC authorities: 032599471; sex or gender: male; different from: Walter Heinrich; NKC identifier: vse2005279079; member of political party: Sudeten German Party; BHCL ID (P6656): 189330; description/label: austerriksk økonom og politikar, Austrian politician and economist , Austrijas politikis, avstrijski politik, econoom en politicus uit Oostenrijk , itävaltalainen poliitikko, österreichischer Ökonom und sudetendeutscher Politiker , österrikisk ekonom och politiker, østerriksk økonom og politiker, østrigsk økonom og politiker, osztrák politikus, polaiteoir agus eacnamaí Ostarach , politician austriac, politicien autrichien , politico austriaco, polityk austriacki)